Business areas

There are no limits
project scale,
or sector.

Not only advertising but also business and marketing strategies.

Growing and evolving your business is our number one priority. We will use all available resources and will not be limited in what we do for you. We will identify the optimal solution from a vast array of options to best meet your goals and criteria.

Problem-solving regardless of project’s scope.

Regardless of the scope of your project, we can guide you in various areas—from preparing an advertising distribution plan within a given budget to a long-term branding strategy to raise brand value. When necessary, we will utilize Dentsu Group’s resources to find solutions and achieve the desired outcomes.

Capability of dealing
with domestic and
international clients.

Our client roster includes not only Japanese businesses but also many foreign companies. With expertise in English-language communication and strategic planning for foreign companies, we can confidently make proposals of all kinds to meet your needs.
